Saturday, May 3, 2014

6:58 PM
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Good day guys, Just added some contact and about page on my blog. If you wish to contact me about an interesting article, fixing or correction on my posted articles since (yeah! it happened) or about problems on my site please email me at asianzineswebmaster(at)

If your message follows under one of the following criteria it will likely be ignored:

1. Did you try and google for it first?
2. Asking me for illegal things or acts or to perform them.
3. Asking me for spying other to see if they are cheating on you.
4. I speak English (not so good) so write literate. Type "you" not "U".
5. Asking me \/\/|-|1L3 j00r U$1|\|9 L337 $P34|<. will likely be ignored.

If the above have been complied. Please feel free to email me using the address below.




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