Saturday, May 10, 2014

7:24 PM

Good day!


In computing, a ping sweep is a method that can establish a range of IP addresses which map to live hosts.

Determining if the system is alive is one of the most basic steps in mapping out network connections. Today Im gonna share with you my newly created script which performing an ping sweep on a range of Class C ip address. Ping is traditionally used to send ICMP ECHO packets to a target system in an attempt to elicit an ICMP ECHO_REPLY indicating the target system is alive. Although ping is acceptable to determine the number of systems alive in a small-to-midsize network (Class C is 254 and Class B is 65,534 potential hosts it is inefficient for larger, enterprise networks. Scanning larger Class A networks (16,277,214 potential hosts) can take hours if not days to complete. is a network pinging tool/script for enumerating in the act of sending certain types of traffic to a target and analysing the results. Take note that this tool by default can determine your local address and attempt to enumerate all Class C ip address.

You can play with the source by specifying number of threads, if local address is not determined you can assign value of variable `local` to skip determining local ip address since it uses net connection by checking s.connect(("", 80)) or changing the ip ranges to work on any Class of ip address.

Finally, you can run this tool using:

$ python


$ chmod +x

then do..
 $ ./

You can get it on github:

That's it, thanks for reading and enjoy the script :-)


  1. In your pingsweep function, the parameter 'i' is unused... What's it supposed to do?
